
The Noob Shelter was accidentally created in 2010 during a broadcast of The Everything Sux Show. During that broadcast, the hosts were trying to come up with a new name to brand the show. Originally The Everything Sux Show was to become The Noob Shelter but after much debate, it was decided by the Fourside Media owner to remove the video game aspect from Everything Sux and integrate it into The Noob Shelter and market it as an independent brand.

Between 2010 and early 2014, The Noob Shelter was built from the ground up and originally started as a Facebook page than a video-based webcast. When interest started to flatline, it was decided to slowly start the rollout of a podcast.

The Noob Shelter focuses on all things gaming as well as some geek chic type discussions. We also talk about up and coming technology as well. Our podcast focuses on roundtable discussion and debate of the latest news within the industries themselves.

The show is currently hosted by Matt Fugitive, Rythone, and Feyd2Black. We broadcast live on Fridays at 9pm Pacific time. The show is transmitted out of Tacoma, Washington and streamed live on our website via caster.fm. Rythone and Feyd2Black both remote in via Skype while Matt is live in the bunker.

All shows are available for listening via your favorite podcast software or here on noobshelter.com.

The Noob Shelter is produced by Fourside Media in Tacoma, Washington.

Show Hosts:

Name: Matt Fugitive
Location: The NS Bunker –  Underground – Tacoma – Washington State
Bio: Considered the old cranky one and vintage of the group, Matt first started gaming on the Atari 2600 and continued the climb from there. He’s known for owning almost every game console since the launch of the NES. Matt is also a big PC Gamer with many hours logged in Team Fortress 2, Minecraft, and other games. He hates DLC, Zombie games, and brushes off most modern games as being to Michael Bay’ish, flashy and overly complex (again, he’s an old cranky gamer). He prefers simplicity over style and is a huge fan and supporter of the indie video game movement.




10593072_10152411711839332_1377137076279491793_nName: Rythone
Age: Unknown (younger than Matt though)
Location: Federalis Way – Washington State
Bio: The hot sauce aficionado, Rythone is some sort of dispatcher/parts guy IRL, but runs his own modded Minecraft server and hosts The Noob Shelter Podcast in his part-time and is also the host of his own YouTube show called Freihbird Industries.  He also acts as our Link Dropping Chat Master/Enforcer and will smite those that mock the Shelter.






Name: Feyd2Black
Age: 34
Location: The Majestic South Hill – Washington State
Bio: The technological brains in the bunker. Feyd is an IT Specialist in the real world. He adds a great deal f opposing opinions on the show and acts as the shows living encyclopedia on occasions. He’s a major part of the reason that the podcast has so many toys, seeing as he’s donated so many to the cause.







Show Producers/Contributors:
Dave Jones: Freedom Controller
Adam Curry: Sound Clips
John Fletcher: Sound Clips
Anchor.FM: Our MP3 and RSS hosts
Caster.FM: Our stream/icecast provider
ZeroNode IRC: IRC Hosts (irc.zeronode.net)